Saturday 24 March 2007

hambeda njaane ....

"hey wht is with those senti and serious things u have struted about urself ??, I can not imagine u being sober"

got this mail from an old neighbour of mine quite some time back.. She was referring some dumb text I wrote "abt myself" in my orkut profile.

I am still the boy next door, a simpleton, who would loaft sixers ito the imaginay pavillions around him, who would dribble past the maze of unseen opponents.......blah blah.

Whatever I am gonna write here are some meaningless quibbles, which may or may not be a reflection of what I think, while I post..

Statutory warning : Assuming any kind of coherency in wht you see here, may seriously affect your mental health :D


Unknown said...

Thats true,

infact we are all grossly incoherent, aren't we?

I was not focussed even when I was at the peak of my achievements ...

Is it just me and u or the world around us??/

Srinivas said...

Interesting...i liked that...waiting for ur nxt post..

mannunni said...

quib·ble (kwĭb'əl)
intr.v., -bled, -bling, -bles.
To evade the truth or importance of an issue by raising trivial distinctions and objections.
To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil.
A petty distinction or an irrelevant objection.
Archaic. A pun.

what exactly are u implying? or was it "scribblings"? :D

titto said...

hambedaa cherappaaa

it's me said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

u dunt have to be coherent/focussed for the sake of being so.

hope ur achievements dunt have a peak :D

hope u dunt have to wait, wait, wait ...

"a simpleton makes such mistakes dude :D"

well njan had gone thru this definition.. only a 'mannunni' will think that i hadn't b4 putting it as the heading, and dare to put it here :D



Thanku said...

Hey ..keep me updated ..

No harm in changing if you feel that the change is going to help you in your life....

Like changing from mundu to pants..

I don't find any fault in doing that...